
В феврале 2020 года в ИИЯ МГПУ пройдут две лекции иностранных спикеров на английском языке.

Лекция 1. The U.S. Public Diplomacy in China at the Most Grassroot Level — Through a Former Locally Engaged Staff (LES) 's Hands-on Experiences

Abstract: With efforts to interact directly with the citizens, community & civil leaders, journalists, and other opinion leaders of another country, United States public diplomacy has a long history dating back to its founding fathers and encompassing a wide range of activities. In this lecture, the speaker will start with a quick overview of the development of U.S. public diplomacy worldwide, followed by a zoom into his own hands-on experience of carrying out U.S. public diplomacy programs across four provinces in the central part of China. He worked as a locally engaged staff (LES) at a U.S. Consulate General in China from 2016−18 with primary responsibilities including managing, organizing, promoting, and facilitating various kinds of cultural diplomacy projects across the district. There will be a Q&A session at the end for further discussions.

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Цзюнь Юэ - магистр в области перевода с китайского на русский, специалист по синхронному и последовательному переводу, учитель английского и китайского языков как иностранных (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.


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