
Сентябрьский образовательный цикл в ИИЯ

16−19 сентября 2019 года в ИИЯ пройдет образовательный цикл занятий преподавателей из Англии, лекции и встречи д-ра Моники Уайт (известного византиниста и русиста) и профессора Ричарда Коутса, выдающегося ученого в области лингвистики и ономастики (наука об именах собственных), вице-президента Международного ономастического комитета и экс-президента Английского топонимического общества. Лекции профессора Коутса организованы совместно ИИЯ и кафедрой классической филологии МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова.
Программа и аннотации лекций

16 сентября 2019 г., в 16.20 по адресу ИИЯ МГПУ, Малый Казенный пер. 5Б, Актовый зал

1. Russian studies in the Anglosphere: who, what and how?

Dr Monica White (University of Nottingham) will discuss the highs and lows of working in the field of Russian studies in the English-speaking world, based on her experiences at universities in the UK and USA. The talk will include highlights from her own research in medieval studies and general trends in the field.


Лекции Ричарда Коутса (Richard Coates) 18 сентября 2019 г., МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова, 16.20, 1 Гуманитарный корпус (требуется регистрация)

2. Place-names in Roman Britain

The most recent authoritative survey volume on this topic was published by A. L. F. Rivet and Colin Smith in 1979. In the 40 years which have passed since then, a substantial amount of new work has been done on the body of mainly British Celtic evidence which they assembled and analysed. In this lecture I offer an assessment of (1) the macrosociolinguistic situation envisaged in their work, (2) some newer wide-ranging possibilities with varying degrees of plausibility, and (3) some new interpretations of individual names, with some reflections on the survival of some such names into modern toponymy.

19 сентября 2019 г., Институт иностранных языков МГПУ, Малый Казенный пер. 5Б, Актовый зал

3. The historical trajectory of naming in particular categories: a general hypothesis

There is a pattern in the history of proper names in new categories of nameables. Firstly names are adapted from names of things in other, conceptually related, categories. Secondly, new essentialist names appear. Thirdly, there is a trajectory towards increasing arbitrariness in naming within each category. This tendency is illustrated using selected onomastic data from the history of railway locomotives, small private businesses and rock music groups. The illustrative material is mainly British, or at least Anglophone, but a claim of universality is suggested for the pattern presented.


4. The Family Names of the United Kingdom (FaNUK) project: retrospect and prospect

The Family Names of the United Kingdom (FaNUK) project database was delivered to Oxford University Press in June 2014 was published both online and in print in November 2016 as The Oxford dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland (ODFaNBI). Here, some reflections are offered on the process of creating a resource of this kind, including an assessment of methodological and factual advances that have been achieved and an outline of some possible directions for future research. Many questions have arisen about the reliability and utility of sources of data, and programmatic answers are offered for some whilst acknowledging the emergence of new ones and the persistence of others. Progress has been made in understanding the origin of many surnames, and some choice specimens will be fully discussed illustrating either philological or methodological novelties. Some names have continued to defy explanation, and some of the broader questions that these raise are explored. Work is still in progress towards an eventual second edition!

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